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PAY ONLY FOR QUALITY appointments.

Performance Based LinkedIn and e-mail AI Campagnes

Ontwerp zonder titel (5)
Kopie van Zonder titel

linkedin Sales platform 

LinkedIn has evolved into the platform for professional networking and business growth. However, manually managing your connections, messages, and interactions can be time-consuming and challenging.

 That's why we designed LinkedIn and e-mail AI Campaigns to help you achieve your sales, marketing, and networking goals more quickly and effectively.


Imagine maximizing the potential of the LinkedIn platform without needing a website, SEO, advertisements, or even a large team. That's right, it not only saves time but also yields quality leads.

 But how can this be organized? The solution: LinkedIn and e-mail AI campaigns. With the help of AI, we can easily connect with like-minded individuals in your target audience, create relevant content, and consistently share personalized messages. Moreover, we can build your personal brand using engagement AI.

 And the best part: we now operate under a Performance-Based Sales model. This means: 

  • Result-driven payment: pay only for achieved results
  • Budget control: always stay within your budget
  • 5 appointments scheduled in your agenda

Professional Services

Our services include:

- Automation via Joobi: Automating connection requests, messaging, and follow-ups while maintaining a personal touch. Optimising your LinkedIn profile for maximum results.
- Guaranteed Results: Achieving 400 new high-quality connections monthly, with guaranteed reach and engagement on LinkedIn. Generating 80 quality leads per month for new business opportunities.
- Personalised Approach: Starting with a two-hour onboarding session followed by weekly calls to ensure tailored strategies.
- Targeted Connections: Setting specific criteria for your target audience to ensure relevancy and efficiency in professional networking.
- Efficiency and Insights: Making your workday more efficient with surprising insights shared in our weekly calls.
- Direct Appointments: Facilitating telephone follow-ups and direct appointments in your agenda for seamless business development.

Terms and Conditions for campaignes 

- You have already a complete LinkedIn profile that aligns with your company's image (header photo, profile picture, pay-off, summary, contact info, etc.). 
OMB Digital manages the LinkedIn Automation Campaign for you. 
- The cost is €1,495 per month.
- You have to follow up the high-quality appointments with an agreed call script for a sales appointment. Success guaranteed. 

Approach: We start with a two-hour onboarding session and have a weekly call. 

Targeted: You can set specific criteria for your target audience, such as location, industry, job title, and much more, ensuring you only connect with relevant professionals.

 Efficiency: We instantly make your workday more efficient and share insights in the weekly call that will astonish you!

Ontwerp zonder titel (7)



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